6 Tips On How To Overcome Intermediate Plateau

Anyone who is an intermediate in a new language can relate about getting stuck somewhere in the middle. There are times where one just gets stuck with the learning progress, not really knowing if what they're doing is enough and if what they're learning is enough. This is what we call an Intermediate's Plateau and it can happen for any language! Today, we are here with some tips on how to overcome this plateau, specifically with Korean.

1. Switch Up Your Environment / Resource  배움의 환경이나 리소스를 바꿔라

If you usually study from your room, refresh your surroundings by learning from a new spot in your house or a cafe or even a library. The key is to break away from your regular norm and restore the excitement you used to have when you started. Introduce yourself to different learning materials frequently to get exposed to different styles.

2. Set A New SPECIFIC Goal  정확하고 측정가능한 목표를 세워라

Take one small step at a time and choose new Korean key phrases or words that you want to use for that week. Make an effort to teach a friend or family member that word or phrase so you can hear and use the new vocabulary throughout your weekly routine.

3. Evaluate Yourself Using LEVS GRW LEVSGRW를 사용하여 언어능력을 측정하라

Plateau happens when you do not know how or where to move on. Using uBitto’s LEVS GRW model to evaluate yourself, you can identify which aspect of learning you’re excelling in and which needs improvements. Work from there!

4. Use More Organic Approach 실생활과 접목시켜라

You feel like you’re reaching a plateau because the learning curve isn’t that drastic anymore. The truth is, as long as you are exposed to Korean content, you are learning. To avoid burnout, seek out new Korean language learning partners to enhance your learning. Another way is to try talking to more native Koreans to help you to break away from the regular batch of phrases you’re comfortable with.

5. Expose Yourself To Native Korean Language 한국사람의 일상 대화에 귀 기울여라

With the internet, there are multiple ways for one to be exposed to how native Koreans actually speak in their everyday life. There are Korean podcasts and YouTube videos and not to mention even your favourite K-Dramas, K-Movies and K-Pop songs can help you pick up conversational Korean! If you prefer reading, reading Korean comics/manhwa and books help too!

6. Think Differently and Positively 긍정적인 사고방식

If you’ve only managed to learn 10 new words in a 1 hour session when you’re used to learning 30, that may feel like a failure. Instead, focus on your efforts. Don’t be too hard on yourself and reward each session you spend and think about your achievements as a whole!  Just remember, there is a difference between being busy and making progress. 

We hope that you find these tips helpful in your Korean language journey! Remember that experiencing plateaus are normal, what matters is that you don't give up and continue to find new and fun ways for yourself to enjoy learning. Good luck with your Korean language journey!



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