Best time to learn a language

best time to learn a language

Ever wonder about which is the best time to learn a language? Well, wonder no more. I have some great suggestions for you!

The optimum time for learning

Whether you like studying in the crack of dawn or after the clock strikes 10 pm, learning is a very subjective thing.

We all choose the time that is most convenient for us so is there really an optimum time to learn?

Well, science says yes!

Weirdly enough studies show that the most optimal time to learn is during midday.

Specifically, the time between 10 am to 2 pm and 4 pm to 10 pm.

It is mentioned that learning in the afternoon has higher chances of improving long-term memory recall.

Though you do need to note that this time also includes the dip where your brain slows down after lunch.

If you want to know the scientific way of why this happens and get more technical with it then you should definitely check out this journal.

best time to learn a language

Another tip is to study before you head to bed!

Duolingo's users’ proficiency across different groups mention that those who have the habit of practising consistently just before bedtime rank higher than 52.9% of all users on average.

If you're wondering if naps work too, yes it does!

Just study beforehand and take a quick nap during your post-lunch dip that is about 2 pm.

That being said we do understand that not everyone has the same sleeping and waking patterns.

So you can customise the timing for yourself.

If you're waking up later during the day, then you should study later too.

In case you're a parent like me then I totally understand that you won't have the luxury to study in the afternoon.

I suggest trying to study in the morning instead, after sending your kids to school.

One of the benefits of studying in the morning is you're better rested in the morning instead of forcing yourself to stay up and study.

Your brain is much fresher hence it is likely to absorb information better.

Natural light in the morning is also better for you since it's easier on your eyes and you don't have to strain yourself.

It's also convenient to ask for help in case you have a doubt regarding the lesson.

best time to learn a language

Learning is a very subjective thing and there is no one way or time to do it right.

Regardless of whether you're a morning person or a night owl, you should design a learning schedule that is suitable for your needs.

Ultimately you should be setting aside focused time and practice the language regularly.

If you want tips on how to self-study, you can head over here.

Learning age

We usually assume that the best time to learn a language is during childhood but that's not usually the case.

We often believe that young kids starting from the age of 3 are good in picking up a new language but linguists say that at this age children don't learn a language but acquire them.

In most cases, it's easier for children to pick up a new language because they are less inhibited and aren't afraid of making mistakes.

This is a difficult thing in adults as we're always self-conscious of the way we speak a new language.

Interestingly our brains make up for that by self-reflecting, having great analysing abilities, and discipline.

This is why you're able to learn at almost any age.

You can know more about how the fertility of the older mind and what are its capacity to learn here.

best time to learn a language

People have different advantages of learning a language at different points of our lives:

Babies: Able to pick up different sounds better

Toddlers: Pick up the native accent quickly

Adults: Longer attention span and literacy skills that help expand vocabulary

Remember that even social circumstances, teaching methods and our social life will have a huge impact on how many languages we speak and how well we speak them.

Try this

If you're trying to figure out what is the best time to learn a language for you, try using these methods.

1) Experiment with different times to see what works best for you.

After trying different schedules, try testing yourself so that you can track your progress.

This is also a great way for you to figure out which is the best time for you.

2) Different topics at different times of the day.

This point is pretty self-explanatory.

Maybe attempt vocab in the morning and sentence structure midday.

See what helps you remember and go with that.

3) Break down your lesson

Divide your lesson to smaller sections that you can study throughout the day.

This can help make the lesson more manageable and help you remember better.

I really hope this helps you find the best time for you to learn a language.

The important thing is to not give up.




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