Juvenile Law Controversy in Korea 한국의 소년법 논란

The juvenile law in South Korea has stirred up the netizens. Many juvenile crimes have happened and the number of victims have been increasing.

Here is some brief explanation of the juvenile law controversy happening in South Korea.

1. The Law 소년법

Juvenile in Korea has been known to be quite a controversial topic among locals and many have been raising voices (목소리) to protest (항의하다) against the law.

The Korean juvenile law is said to be quite unfair (불공평) and there has been many victims (피해자) of juvenile crimes (소년 범죄) rising day by day.

2. Children under the age of 10 10세 미만 소년

Children who are under the age of 10 in South Korea would not be punished even if they commit a crime.

3. Juveniles aged between 10 to 14 years old 10세 이상 14세 미만 소년

Juveniles between the aged of 10 to 14 are not subject to any single criminal punishment (형사 처벌).

They will only be subjected to protective measurements such as juvenile detention (구류) or probation (집행 유예).

4. Juveniles aged between 14 to 19 years old 14세 이상 19세 미만 소년

Juveniles who are between the age of 14 to 19 years old will be subjected to are both protective and criminal dispositions (범죄적 성향).

However, they still can’t be sentenced to more than 20 years in prison even if they commit a violent (폭력적인) crime under special circumstances.

5. Reason of controversy 논란의 이유

The number of juvenile crimes has been increasing and the families of victims (피해자 가족) can’t handle the law anymore.

This is because as he amount of crimes increase (증가하다), it is definite that there will be more families of the victims who will lose a precious life of have a physically or mentally hurt family member.

6. Debate within law and society 법과 사회와의 논쟁

The juvenile law has been creating lots of debates (토론) within the Korean society which is why the drama had created a controversy.

The Koreans believed that the most infuriating case among juvenile crimes would be the Incheon (인천) elementary school student (초등학생) murder case.

7. Current situation 현재 상황

The number of juvenile crimes has steadily (꾸준히) increased over the years according to the monthly court (법원).

Voice calling for lowering the age of the 14-year-old law are rising and many other experts (전문가들) said that punishment (처벌) is not the answer but is necessary to prepare a system for the actual recovery of victims and sincere reflection (반성) on the perpetrators (가해자).



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